Wednesday, May 4, 2011

One Night At DJ Station Bangkok 3

This April we were in Bangkok again for the annual Songkran festival, where the time honoured tradition of sprinkling water as blessing has turned into a soaking carnival of water-gun wars involving both locals and tourists. This mix is a collection of mixes heard at DJ Station, a popular club that stayed packed every single night when we were there. I would like to dedicate this mixset to Allenn aka Oh Sure Princess Kim. Thanks Allenn for being such a wonderful friend and also helping us to book the hotel in Bkk.
T.he W.anted - G.old F.orever (M.oto B.lanco Club Mix)
T.atiana - S.pider W.eb ( H.eaven Club Mix)
A.lexis J.ordan - G.ood G.irl (F.reemasons Club Mix)
O.lly M.urs - T.hinking O.f M.e (C.ahill Club Mix)
W.onderland - N.ot A L.ove ( H.eaven Club Mix)
M.ichael J.ackson - H.ollywood T.onight (D.J C.huckie Extended Mix)
C.huckie & L.MFAO - T.he B.ass K.ick I.n M.iami B.itch (E.xtended Mix)
A.lex G.audino feat K.elly R.owland - W.hat A F.eeling (Club Mix)
R.ihanna - O.nly G.irl (I.n T.he W.orld) (B.imbo J.ones Club Mix)
L.ady G.aga - B.orn T.his W.ay (B.imbo J.ones Club Mix)
K.aci B.attaglia feat L.udacris - B.ody S.hots (W.awa Extended Mix)
J Lo feat P.itbull - O.n T.he F.loor (ExMen L.eandro M.ello Tribal Edit)
T.aio C.ruz feat K.ylie Minogue - H.igher (C.lub J.unkies Club Mix)
Z.oe B.adwi - F.reefallin' (W.awa Club Mix)
A.dele - R.olling I.n T.he D.eep (G.ustavo S.corpio Private Club Mix)
K.aty P.erry - E.T. (E.dson P.ride & T.hiado A.ntony Remix)
K.e$ha - B.low (C.osmic D.awn Remix)
B.ritney S.pears - T.ill T.he W.orld E.nds (A.lex S.uarez Club Remix)

Click on image to download.
Time: 77 Mins (71.05 MB)

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