Wednesday, October 27, 2010

C.reepy H.alloween

Trick or Treat??? Ha Ha Ha... Happy Halloween N.atalia K.ills - Z.ombie (A.ccidental A.irplay R.emix)
A.ndrew S.pencer & T.he V.amprockerz - Z.ombie 2K10 (M.ovetown R.emix)
D.J M.arty F.ame N.ati G.ale - W.ho'll S.ave Y.ou (A.lex A.stero R.emix)
D.eadmau5 & R.ob Swire - G.hosts N S.tuff (V.ocal M.ix)
E.stelle K.ardinal O.ffishall - F.reak (D.isco F.ries R.emix)

T.he C.reeps - F.reaks (V.andalism V.ocal M.ix)
L.ady S.overeign - S.o H.uman (T.astemakers R.emix)
A.lphabeat - T.he S.pell (B.uzz J.unkies M.ix)
K.elis - S.cream (B.uzz J.unkies C.lub M.ix)
K.atherine J.enkins - B.ring M.e T.o L.ife (A.lmighty C.lub M.ix)
S.erge D.evant H.adley - (C.lub M.ix)
N.e-Y.o - B.eautiful M.onster (T.ony M.oran & W.arren R.igg C.lub M.ix)
L.ady G.aga - M.onster (R.anny & B.ryan R.eyes M.onster B.all M.ix)
N.elly Furtado - M.aneater (P.eter R.auhofer M.ix)
W.amdue P.roject - O.f M.y C.astle (R.owald S.teyn C.lub E.dit)
Click on image to download.
Time: 55 Mins (50.49 MB)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thank You Clarence

Thank you so much Clarence for your donations & support - you dont know how much this means to us!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

DJ Ryan presents... U.nplugged f.rom t.he l.ast c.entury

In the 1990s there was a series of artistes that launched a genre of "unplugged" albums - recordings of live and sometimes alternative renditions of well-known and not so well-known songs. These were not studio-manufactured productions auto-tuned to mechanised perfection. Instead, there were raw, stripped down performances that captured every lyrical nuance and vocal idiosyncracy, every pull of the violin or the strum of the guitar, and every enthusiastic call-and-respond interaction between the artiste and the participating audience.
This second instalment of the "F.rom T.he L.ast C.entury" series tries to capture some of my favourite performances from this genre. Enjoy.

R.E.M. - I.mitation O.f L.ife
1.0000 M.aniacs - B.ecause T.he N.ight
A.lanis M.orissette - I.ronic
R.od S.tewart - R.eason T.o B.elieve
G.eorge M.ichael & L.isa S.tansfild - T.hese T.he D.ays O.f O.ur L.ives
B.aby F.ace - W.hip A.ppeal
E.ric C.lapton - L.ayla
S.heryl C.row - S.trong E.nough
T.he C.orrs - R.unaway
B.ryan A.dams - I'm Re.ady
A.nnie L.ennox - Y.ou H.ave P.laced A C.hill I.n M.y H.eart
T.he C.ranberries - L.inger
K.D. L.ang - C.rying
C.hris I.saak - W.icked G.ame
E.lton J.ohn - R.ocket
Click on image to download.
Time: 63 Mins (60 MB)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Video Of The Week (17 Oct to 23 Oct)

This is so Bitchy & I love it :)

Leaving Comments As Easy As 1, 2, 3

Please note that now you can leave comments without having to sign up for a goggle account... I've change the settings... All you have to do is:
Choose option "Name/URL",
Enter "your name" and "comments",
And click "Publish your comment"
It's as simple as that... Hope this will encourage more people to leave comments :) Thank you!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

C.lub B.ollywood 2

The long awaited sequel to C.lub B.ollywood is finally here. This megamix is dedicated to Alexis.
D.e D.ana - P.aisa (Club Mix)
B.illu B.aber - M.arjaani (K.ilogram's Balkan Mix)
K.ismat K.onnection - M.ove Y.our B.ody N.ow (Remix)
R.ab N.e B.ana D.i J.odi - H.aule H.alue (Feel The Electro Mix)
K.abhi A.lvida N.a K.ehna - M.itwa (Remix)
J.ab W.e - M.auja H.i M.auja (DJ Bijit Mega Dance Mix)
O.nce U.pon A T.ime I.n M.umbai - L.oon (Clubby Electro Mix)
S.ingh I.s - K.arda (Remix)
K.hal N.ayak - C.holi K.e P.eeche (Nawed & Zoheb Khan Remix)
S.holay - M.ehbooba (DJ Money Fire Club Mix)
K.urbaan - S.hukran A.llah (DJ Guru Progressive House Remix)
B.lue - C.higgy W.iggy (DJ Dev & Shadow Dubai's Blue Water Edit)[featuring K.ylie]
B.achna A.e H.aseeno - L.ucky B.oy (DJ Rumit World Hold On Electro Mix)
A.shayein - A.b M.ujhko J.eena (Remix)
J.ab W.e - I.shq (Remix)
D.abangg - H.umka P.eeni (Remix)
K.ites - Z.indagi D.o K.i (Remix)
T.un M.ile - M.ile (Kilogram Mix)
D.on - M.era (DJ RYK Come To Me Mix)
D.ostana - S.hut U.p & B.ounce (DJ Reme Tribal Mix)
Click on image to download.
Time: 62 Mins (58.83 MB)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ex/10Q (October 2010)

It's time to feature October's ExMen visitor.
Name, Star Sign, Location?
Neil J. Worwood. Cancerian. Coventry, England, UK.

How did you come to know about our blog?

I Clicked on a link from another site, way back in October 2008.

Who’s your favourite artiste?
Pet Shop Boys...have been a fan since 1986.

Which is your most favourite DJ ExMen mix?
Too many to choose from...

What megamix would you like to see on our blog (not done before) in the future?
I would love to see something by The Beloved (Jon Marsh).

If you can have dinner with anyone famous (dead or alive), who would it be?
Derren Brown (Google him, he is brilliant).

What are 3 brands (of anything) that you like most?
Audi, Issey Miyake and Victor & Rolf.

What was the last country/city that you visited and where would you like to go next?
Last country visited was Antigua...and I want to go back to Kefalonia as soon as possible.

If you only have one day left to live, what would you do?
Spend quality time with my wife, Julie, and my daughter Millie Rose.

If you're competing for Miss Universe, what would be your answer to "what does the world need right now?", besides "world peace"?
Focus, Direction & Truth.


If you are keen to be featured (there's no criteria whatsoever, so long as you dig our mixes and don't mind making a friend or two via our blog), drop us an email or a note in Facebook.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

10/10/10 When Two Hearts Become One...

Today, 10/10/10 is our wedding day. I have been with Mr R for almost 5 years now and we have decided to tie the knot on this very day :) I would like to share this joyous moment with all of you by doing a ballad mix. Below is our wedding message and those in red are the titles of the songs.Babe, I knew I love you from the very first time I saw your face and this is the day I fall in love with you. I was simply amazed by you... so beautiful in my eyes.

And because you love me for all that I am, I could not ask for more and deep in my heart I know that I finally found someone who's heart is filled with so much love... endless love that is.

Here and now, from this moment on I do cherish you with all my heart and soul. I will always love you and forever by your side I will always be... for this I promise you till the end of time.

Click on image to download.
Time: 67 Mins (61.40 MB)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Flashback Re-Vamp 3

The wait is finally over.... And remember to leave comments... Mmm'Kay. :)
Bananarama - Cruel Summer (2009 Remix)
Tears For Fears - Shout (Matt Mix)
Erasure - A Little Respect '09 (Wayne G & Andy Allder Hurdy Gurdy Club Mix)
Sinitta - Toy Boy 2010 (U4IC Mix)
Heart - Alone (Matt Mix 2009)
Modern Talking - Cheri Lady (Vitalik Vitamin Mix)
Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know 2009 (Robert Tornovsky Remix)
Bad Boys Blue - Come Back & Stay 2010 (Spinnin Elements Remix)
Samantha Fox - Touch Me (Sleazesisters Club Mix)
Spagna - Call Me (7th Heaven Club Mix)
Real Life - Send Me An Angel 2008 (Unreleased Bob Sinclar Club Anthem)
Gloria Estefan - Don't Let This Momend End (Nylson Wash Club Mix)
Paula Abdul - Cold Hearted (Radboy's America's Voted Vocal Tribal Anthem Mix)
Cindy Lauper feat Sarah McLachlan - Time After Time (Josh Harris Mix)
A-ha - Take On Me (Alex Dubbing Retro Revival Mix)
Journey - Dont Stop Believing (The Phunkstar Anthemic Remix)
Click on image to download.
Time: 62 Mins (56.81 MB)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Video Of The Week (3 Oct to 9 Oct)

Check this out!!

salt 2010

 As a CIA officer, Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie) swore an oath to duty, honor and country. Her loyalty will be tested when a defector accuses her of being a Russian spy. Salt goes on the run, using all her skills and years of experience as a covert operative to elude capture. Salt's efforts to prove her innocence only serve to cast doubt on her motives, as the hunt to uncover the truth behind her identity continues and the question remains: "Who Is Salt?
you can watch its trailer here.
trailer h.d