Tuesday, June 29, 2010

T.ina T.urner E.lectricfyin' E.nergy

Dan, This is part 2 of your birthday surprise :) Enjoy!!
D.isco I.nferno (12'' Version)
N.utbush C.itylimits (C.J M.ackintosh Remix)
S.teamy W.indows (J.ustin S.trauss House Mix)
F.oreign A.ffair (One In A Million Extended Mix)
D.ancing I.n M.y D.reams (B'n'D Club Mix)
O.n S.ilent W.ings (T.otal A.bduction Mix)
S.imply T.he B.est 2008 (Cut Up Remix)
W.hen T.he H.eartache I.s O.ver (M.etro Mix)
R.aise Y.our H.ands (M.ilk and S.ugar Remix)[Vs Ga.uzz]
F.alling L.ike R.ain (House Mix 2009)
P.rivate D.ancer (Side A 2008 Remix)
T.ypical M.ale 2008 (J.ason P.arker Club Mix)
L.et's S.tay T.ogether (E.lephant Crakup Mix 2010)
W.hat's L.ove G.ot T.o D.o W.ith I.t (T.hee W.erq'n B!tches Rumoured Mix)
Click on image to download.
Time: 55 Mins (52.12 MB)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Remembering Michael Jackson: The Dance 1.0

It has been exactly one year since the King of Pop left the world suddenly and tragically at the age of 50. For some of us it seems like a long time ago, and we're not sure if it's because of the intense emotions and memories evoked by the event.
This megamix, the first of several, will feature hits from his first few albums "Ben", "Off The Wall" and "Thriller". It is dedicated to all his fans around the world. May his musical legacy live on forever.
Ben (Rafael Lelis Tribute Mix)
Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' (Brothers In Rhythm House Mix)
Rock With You 2008 (Freemasons Mix)
Off The Wall (Dirty Freek Remix)
The Girl Is Mine (Phunky's Rollin' Wit Da King Of Pop Club Edit)[with Will.I.Am]
Thriller 2006 (Electro House Remix)
Don't Stop Till You Get Enough (DJ Fabrice Potec Remix)
P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) (Jaimie Fanatic 2006 Mix)
Billie Jean 2010 (Simon Berkovitch Remix)
Beat It (Under Construction Remix)
Click on image to download.
Time: 44 Mins (41.33 MB)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

G.ay P.ride Mix 2.010

Love, Peace and Respect!!
C.livilles & C.ole - A D.eeper L.ove (A D.eeper F.eeling Mix)
U.ltra N.ate - F.ree (B.ob S.inclar Remix)
O.ceana - B.ody R.ock (D.ave A.ude Vocal Mix)
N.aturi N.aughton - F.ame '09 (B.imbo J.ones Club Mix)
M.ousse T - H.orny 2007 (D.igital D.og Mix)
T.helma H.ouston - D.on't L.eave M.e T.his W.ay (R.iffs & R.ays Mix)
J.ade E.wen - M.y M.an (C.ahill Club Mix)
E.piphony - M.r C.harming (Orginal Mix)
B.arry H.arris & S.imone D.enny - D.rama Q.ueen (W.ayne G & A.ndy A.llder Remix)
L.olene - S.exy P.eople (R.azor N' G.uido S.exy P.eople Vocal Club Mix)
R.on P.erkov - M.iss Y.ou (T.ony M.oran W.arren R.igg Drums To The Soul Mix)
M.GM - P.ride I.n T.he N.ame O.f L.ove (T.ony M.oran & J.ody D.en B.roeder Anthem Mix)
B.arry H.arris feat P.epper M.ashay - I G.ot M.y P.ride (DJ P.aulo's Club Mix)
L.orena S.impson - R.evolution O.f Lo.ve (Boom Boxx Maxpop Extended Mix)
V.anessa A.morosi - T.his I.s W.ho I A.m (W.ideboys Remix)
V.anessa A.morosi - O.ff O.n M.y K.iss (B.uzz J.unkies Club Mix)
R.ochelle - M.outh (A.lmighty Definitive Mix)
F.ull F.rontal - Y.ou T.hink Y.ou're A M.an (A.lmighty Definitive Mix)
Click on image to download.
Time: 70 Mins (66.25 MB)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

T.ina T.urner R.ockin' & R.ollin'

This artiste needs no introduction. She's the Queen of Rock & Roll!! This megamix is specially dedicated to Dan. Happy Birthday Dan. This is part 1 of your birthday surprise :)
B.all O.f C.onfusion (Remix)[with B.E.F]
P.roud M.ary ('93 Remix)
W.hat Y.ou G.et I.s W.hat Y.ou S.ee (RARE Extended Dance Mix Part 1)
S.how S.ome R.espect (Extended Dance Mix)
W.hat's L.ove G.ot T.o D.o W.ith I.t (Unreleased Club Mix)
A.fterglow (12'' Vocal Dance Mix)
U.nfinished S.ympathy (Extended Mix)
G.oldeneye 2008 (U.nreleased J.ulian M.arsh Club Promo)
C.omplicated D.isaster (Y.an 2 N.ick Remix)
D.o W.hat Y.ou D.o (Y.an 2 N.ick Do Without Love Mix 2004)
W.hatever Y.ou W.ant (T.odd T.erry Mix 2)
B.etter B.e G.ood T.o M.e (12'' Extended Mix)
L.ove E.xplosion (ReStructure Mix)
B.reak E.very R.ule (RARE Original Dance Mix)
I.t T.akes T.wo (Dance Mix)[with R.od S.tewart]
B.aby, I'm A S.tar (Remix)
Click on image to download.
Time: 55 Mins (51.95 MB)

Video Of The Week (13 Jun to 19 Jun)

Angie Harmon Hairstyles

Angie Harmon Hairstyles
Hi my friend, When word gets around about your command of Angie Harmon Hairstyles facts, others who need to know about Angie Harmon Hairstyles will start to actively seek you out.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Latest Hairstyles Men 2010

Latest Hairstyles Men 2010
Welcome folks, today I want post interesting topic about latest hairstyles men 2010 for you who want to learn more you can buy the ebook.
Care to call us if you need more information. Latest Hairstyles Men 2010
Tags: celebrity hairstyle, hairstyle, top hairstyle, haircut, Latest Hairstyles Men 2010

Ex/10Q (June 2010)

It's time to feature June's ExMen visitor.
Name, Star Sign, Location?
Michael, Sagittarius (Born on the cusp of Scorpio), Dallas, Texas

How did you come to know about our blog?
Heard one your mixes and “Click, Click, Clicked!” “How you doing?”

Who’s your favourite artiste?
By far, “It’s Britney, Bitch!”

Which is your most favourite DJ ExMen mix?
Love the Shocking P!nk MegaMix

What megamix would you like to see on our blog (not done before) in the future?
Mash Up with (Britney/Madonna/Whitney/Cristina Aguilar and P!nk ) or a Mega Mix of Whitney Houston

If you can have dinner with anyone famous (dead or alive), who would it be?
Britney Spears

What are 3 brands (of anything) that you like most?
Kettle One Vodka, Walmart Good Value Cranberry Black Cherry (An amazing cocktail) and Ambien

What was the last country/city that you visited and where would you like to go next?
(Trip to Europe about a year ago..Stayed in Rome, Italy and Scotland) Would love to go to Ibiza, Spain!

If you only have one day left to live, what would you do?
This one is easy….First, I wouldn’t tell anyone! Especially, my family! I would then take off my watch collect both of our cell phones and wake my kid up EARLY and spend the rest of whatever the life I had with my 15 year old son. Spending the day like we always do, but being more mindful of keeping my mouth shut and truly just enjoying each other. Soaking up all the moments!!!! I would then put him to bed and tell him that I love him more than anything in this world and how important it is going to be for him to cherish every second with everyone in his world! Don’t be afraid to love and always be himself! Then I would go back to my room and put on a great dance remix, plug in my headphones.… Take an Ambien and to try to Go to sleep With no regrets!

If you're competing for Miss Universe, what would be your answer to "what does the world need right now?", besides "world peace"?
The world needs one thing! Only one thing…TOLERANCE! All other emotions will always fade away. Over time…. Love, Hate, Passion, Anger, hurt, guilt! But if we could just all tolerate one another the world be a better place. After TOLERANCE….A great Mash Up With Britney/Madonna/Whitney Houston/Cristina Aguilera and P!nk!

If you are keen to be featured (there's no criteria whatsoever, so long as you dig our mixes and don't mind making a friend or two via our blog), drop us an email or a note in Facebook.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

D.ivaliciou.s 3

The 3rd installment to Divalicious has arrived!! This megamix will feature the current top 20 Divas... Enjoy :)
Es.mee D.enters feat J.ustin T.imberlake - L.ove D.ealer (C.hew F.u Extended Mix)
S.hontelle - I.mpossible (R.iddler Remix)
S.olange - I T.old Y.ou S.o (M.ike R.izzo Funk Generation Club Mix)
L.ady G.aga - A.lejandro (D.ave A.ude Club Mix)
K.aty P.erry feat S.noop D.ogg - C.alifornia G.urls (L.iam K.eegan Remix)
C.hristina A.guilera - N.ot M.yself T.onight (C.hus & C.eballos Club Vocal A)
M.acy G.ray - B.eauty I.n T.he W.orld (R.uff L.oaderz Extended Remix)
J.essi M.alay - O.n Y.ou (Eddie A.mador Club Mix)
K.elly R.owland f.eat D.avid G.uetta - C.ommander (R.alphi R.osario Club Mix)
K.ylie M.inogue - A.ll T.he L.overs (W.aWa & M.MB Anthem Mix)
R.obyn - D.ancing O.n M.y O.wn (B.uzz J.unkies Club Mix)
A.lexis J.ordan - H.appiness (D.ave A.ude Club Mix)
T.oni B.raxton - M.ake M.y H.eart (S.tereo P.alma Vocal Club Mix)
J.ennifer L.opez - O.n T.he R.adio (D.avid G.uetta Extended Mix)
K.e$ha - Y.our L.ove I.s M.y D.rug (B.imbo J.ones Club Mix)
I.nna feat P.lay & W.in - 1.0 M.inutes (Club Mix)
Erika Jayne - Pretty Mess (Dave Aude Club Mix)
Kimberley Locke - Strobelight (Tony Moran & Warren Rigg Club Mix)
L.auren H.ildebrandt - U.nderneath (M.ike B.ordes Club Mix)
R.ihanna - R.ockstar 1.01 (C.hew Fu. T.eachers Pet F.ix Explicit Club Mix)
Click on image to download.
Time: 71 Mins (67.22 MB)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Celebrity Fashion

Celebrity Fashion
Hello world!, The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you'll find that the subject of celebrity fashion is certainly no exception.
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Tags: celebrity hairstyle, hairstyle, top hairstyle, haircut, Celebrity Fashion

Great Hairstyles

Great Hairstyles
Hello world!, The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you'll find that the subject of great hairstyles is certainly no exception.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010


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Care to call us if you need more information. Haircuts
Tags: celebrity hairstyle, hairstyle, top hairstyle, haircut, Haircuts

Lady Gaga - Alejandro (Video)

This is so Gothic... Gosh!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Long Hair Style

Long Hair Style
Good morning, This blog includes pertinent information about long hair style that may cause you to reconsider what you thought you understood. The most important thing is to study with an open mind and be willing to revise your understanding if necessary.
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Hairstyle Long 2010 Scene

Hairstyle Long 2010 Scene
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Alice Evans Hairstyles

Alice Evans Hairstyles
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Friday, June 4, 2010

Pamela Anderson Hairstyles

Pamela Anderson Hairstyles
Welcome all, Wise readers will keep reading to earn some valuable Pamela Anderson Hairstyles experience while it's still free.
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DJ Ryan presents... Bryan Adams 09-69

Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman
Do I Have To Say The Words
(Everything I Do) I Do It For You
Please Forgive Me
Straight From The Heart
Let's Make A Night To Remember
Heat Of The Night
Thought I'd Died And Gone To Heaven
Cuts Like A Knife
It's Only Love [with Tina Turner]
The Best Of Me
Hearts On Fire
The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me Is You
One Night Love Affair
Back To You (Live)
When You're Gone [with Melanie C]
Run To You
This Time
Summer Of '69
Cloud Number Nine (Chicane Mix)
Click on image to download.
Time: 74 Mins (68.66 MB)